Consultoría Regenerativa

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Yo Hago El Cambio

Welcome to Yo Hago El Cambio!

Our experience and passion for sustainability, led us to create a social organization in which we believe that the potential of the tourism sector is enormous which allow us to work together with businesses in order to create solutions and contribute to sustainable and economic development of Costa Rica.


We are a Nonprofit Organization working to impact the sustainable development in Costa Rica, in partnership with hotels, restaurants and other businesses, throughout the country. We provide a comprehensive solution in Corporate Social Responsibility to our Affiliates Network.



  •   AWARENESS: create awareness of the real problems that affect our society and how we can together provide solutions. We are the generation of change!
  •   COMMITMENT: We're committed to the environment and high-risk populations in our country.
  •   PROFESSIONALISM: We are constantly enabling us to provide the best professional advice to our allies.
  •   INTEGRITY: We are an organization that works with ethics, honesty and transparency.
  •   SOLIDARITY: We believe in the great power we have together, to improve our quality of life and sectors that need us the most.



Used Cooking Oil

We provide a collection and recycling service for Used Cooking Oil to produce biodiesel.

Solid Waste Recycling

Collection and Recycling Service of solid waste for your business.


We offer business consulting services in the areas of social responsibility, sustainability, carbon neutrality and environmental certifications.


Organization of business volunteers focused on reforestation and compensation for the carbon footprint of your company.

In the Nonprofit Organization Yo Hago El Cambio, we are dedicated to provide comprehensive recycling services and advice for businesses in Corporate Social Responsibility.


Currently, we have an extensive network of 50 affiliates around Costa Rica, among them major chain restaurants, hotels, universities and companies.


Regional Award Winners (Yo Creo) and Global Universities Laureate social entrepreneurship greatest impact in 2013 and 2014. Finalists of Latin America Green and Stephan Schmidheiny Environmental Awards Category for 2015.

Sobre Nosotros

Misión / Intención

MISSION: To promote change and socio-environmental awareness in the hotels, restaurants and Costa Rica's businesses through the implementation of sustainable practices, responsible and comprehensive recycling service.

VISION: To be the regional leader in providing sustainable solutions for the tourism and industrial companies.

Biografía / Cualificaciones

We born in 2011, as the non-profit Costa Rican company Ecogetaways Travel Designs organization. A pioneer travel agency Costa Rica that offers exclusive luxury services with high levels of sustainability and commitment to the environment.

One of the promotional tours of the Agency, took us to visit the tour of Biodiesel in Santa Clara, north of Costa Rica, where we discovered the serious problem that exists in Costa Rica and the world due to bad treatment given to the used oil residue in restaurant kitchens.

There are three very serious ways this wrong procedure is affecting our society:

Environmental: The oil is poured through the pipe, the pipe reaching our rivers and seas. One liter of used oil contaminates irreversibly 1000 liters of water. This environmental damage is irreparable.

Animal: The used oil sale and delivery to breeding and slaughtering illegal business without scruples who use it for fattening, causing serious diseases to animals.

Human: as a secondary consumer of these animals that were fed with this toxic oil, it is one of the main causes of cancer today.

Due to this alarming reality, we decided to get into action offering a collecting service for this waste to different restaurants we were partnering the project with, in order to recycle and produce Biodiesel, a clean and environmentally friendly energy.

In addition to the recycling project we started with professional advice in corporate social responsibility based on the international standard ISO: 26000 to educate, encourage and act through the restaurant sector for socio-environmental causes.

In 2015, due to a constant demand from our clients: various hotels and restaurants, Yo Hago El Cambio initiated a successful recycling service: offering a service of collecting waste plastic, glass, cardboard, paper, aluminum, tetra back and used cooking oil. Currently, Yo Hago El Cambio it has managed to diversify its services according to the demand for their Affiliates Network; adding to its Affiliates Network recognized universities, multinational corporations, NGOs and banks, plus companies in the tourism sector, which are provided with a comprehensive solution in sustainability, tackling recycling services, training and corporate volunteering.


Cómo puede ponerse en contacto con nosotros

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Dirección / Cómo llegar
Curridabat San José, San José Province
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HappE Roberts

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