As an intentional community, Alegría Village is united by shared values and our commitment to upholding the permaculture ethics of Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share, and Future Care:

Earth Care: We are Earth Stewards

 We are pollinators, planters, protectors, committed to living a lifestyle that heals not hurts the natural ecosystem around us.

People Care: We take care of each other

We are good neighbors, we are good friends. Together we support our children, our elders, our mothers, our fathers. We are an interconnected, interdependent community, looking out for the health and happiness of the collective village.

Fair Share: We are each a part of the whole

We all share a vision for a thriving regenerative future and each of us, with our diverse skills, backgrounds and contributions, are integral to the realization of this dream. The way forward is inclusive, collaborative, just, evolutionary, revolutionary. And we all show up for the revolution.

Future Care: We are Peaceful Warriors in service to the Planet

We radically question everything and design and implement better solutions for a thriving world. We are activists, aiming to inspire small changes, governmental changes, global changes. It is our privilege to ask, how can we offer support to our human, animal and plant relations? We are here on this planet to serve.