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ACCT – Association Community Carbon Trees

Association Community Carbon Trees are community-based nonprofit reforestation projects. We sprout over 100 diverse tropical rainforest trees in two rainforest nurseries. Saplings are carefully transported and planted on degraded farmland owned by local farmers. Each site is strategically designed as a natural forest matrix, replicating the flow of nature. ACCT work crews including local women maintain the young rainforest trees for four years. This includes at least three supervised visits per year for maintenance and cleaning. Trees become well established to ensure a long, fruitful life and maximum carbon sequestration. Costa Rican farmers and families then take care of the trees for the next 21 years to grow a mature and bountiful forest, receiving instruction from ACCT. Learn more about our reforestation project management.

Plant a tree with ACCT!


ACCT Reforestation Projects Model


We plant over 100 native species of diverse tropical rainforest trees. Our tropical trees range from fruit trees, to hardwoods, rare species, flowering trees, and medicinal trees. At least 50 different species are planted in each location, ensuring a diverse polycultural food and medicinal forest. Conventional monoculture forestry does not compare to our biodiverse polycultural farming.

Native trees are chosen for their unique adaptations to the local environment. They are less susceptible to stress, disease, and pests. Local people and local wildlife are familiar with these tropical trees and their many uses.

Each reforestation project is a 25 year cycle. Young trees are maintained by ACCT work crews for the first four years. Once trees have grown above the surrounding vegetation, they are turned over to the participating farming family with ongoing maintenance support by ACCT. The family receives instruction for the next 21 years until the forest reaches maturity and robust carbon sequestration. This process of collaboration ensures strong growth rates and accountability for trees while providing food and income for families. Our strategically designed forests also provide food and homes for animals, protect rivers and water sources, control erosion, amend soils with nutrients, produce medicine, and rare hardwood and softwood lumber.

Sobre Nosotros

Misión / Intención

At Community Carbon Trees, we are most unique and recognized for actually growing new biodiverse rainforest over the long term with fair pay for all workers, men and women, participating in our hands on, paradigm shifting reforestation work. Our forests speak for themselves and so do our workers who learn hands on techniques for regenerating their own land and conserving the forests we grow now and in the future with your support.

Plant a tree with Association Community Carbon Trees (ACCT) and gocarbon neutral! ACCT Association Community Carbon tree offers solutions to deforestation and climate change by connecting local farmers with people all over the world. Get the reforestation projects details.

Biografía / Cualificaciones

We employ teams of local Costa Rican men and women from the area of San Juan de Dios to plant and maintain trees! Our friends and families go above and beyond to ensure the establishment and growth of tropical trees. Work crews are trained in transportation, planting, and maintenance. They supervise trees for 4 years and collaborate with farmers for an additional 21 years. Empowering the local community in environmental and social transformation stops deforestation and keeps the trees we plant now standing for future generations. Learn more about our reforestation projects.


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HappE Roberts

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ACCT – Association Community Carbon Trees Revisión de 1

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  • Eric Baudry

    Reforestation is one of the most important projects we can undertake to regenerate our land, and in my opinion a more regenerative society would require a reforestation plan to provide building permits in any rural area with a sensitive local environment.

    In general it’s quite affordable, benefits everyone, and can even easily offset its costs by focusing on for example fruit trees, which offer a plurality of benefits to us growing and eating them as well as the animals they invite and the soil and plant diversity they improve.

    Coming to a new country and more importantly microclimate that one is unfamiliar with presents a challenge in knowing what types of species are best to plant, where, and when.

    Even though I’ve lived in Costa Rica for almost ten years, and studied with quite a lot of ecosystem experts, I was beyond impressed by the knowledge and support of Jenny Smith at Community Carbon Trees on the recent reforestation project we worked on together.

    Working with a team of naturopaths relocating to Costa Rica from Switzerland, Community Carbon Trees and Upward Spirals designed a reforestation plan to reintroduce hundreds of species to a land which had been used for decades as pasture. Beyond the fruit forest and biodiversity goals, we also wanted to increase the connection and quality of the local wildlife corridors, making it easier for animals to cross from river to river, or to reach the delicious fruits we planted partly to share with them.

    Jenny knew all the nurseries, who had what species, what altitudes and orientations and conditions each needed, and with her team were absolute rock stars at converting those degraded pastures into what will soon be a lush and thriving contribution not only to the property owners, but also the surrounding community, the animals who will return to the regenerating area, and the soil and rivers getting massive second level benefits from our work above.

    I intend to work with Jenny on more regeneration and reforestation projects at every opportunity I can, and I highly recommend her support to anyone wanting to increase their personal sustainability and do something profoundly beneficial for the local environment.

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