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Rancho Delicioso

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Our week-long adventure includes the following:

    • 7 Days / 6 Nights at Rancho Delicioso
      3 Meals per day that showcase healthy fresh cooking from the farm or local providers
      Introduction to Permaculture – 8 Workshops
      Daily Yoga Class
      2 Beach Trips (Surfing Lessons Optional)
      Aerial Silk Beginner’s Class
      Archery Class
      Raw Chocolate Making Class
      Montezuma Waterfalls Excursion
      Anamaya Yoga Excursion

Introduction to Permaculture Daily Workshops:

The program will include eight permaculture courses, from 90-120 minutes long each, throughout the week, earning you an “Introduction to Permaculture” certificate from Rancho Delicioso. The topics will be amongst the following:

1. Definition, Ethics and Principles: Participative discussion that includes the Web of Life Activity.

2. Composting: Making a “lasagna-style” compost pile and bio-fertilizers.

3. Biointensive Gardening: Hands on mulching, seeding, transplanting, making beds, moon cycles, pest and disease control, plant propagation, seed saving.

4. Agrofitness: “Double Digging” garden-bed making technique.

5. Sustainable building: Discussion about various methods of natural construction techniques, natural cooling, energy, and green building. Hands on with Cob building.

6. Food Forests: Tree planting and maintenance, layers of the forest, guilds, observation exercise.

7. Medicinal Plants and Medicine Making: Native plant walk, tinctures, honey cough syrup and ointments made with local herbs.

8. Permaculture Site Analysis: Using patterns and the edge effect – design and hands-on making an herb spiral or mandala garden.

Sobre Mí

Biografía / Cualificaciones

Irene Alpizar is an Herbalist Intuitive, passionate about energetic connections with nature and has extensive knowledge of plant combinations for healing purposes. She’s enthusiastic about helping people move toward physical, emotional and spiritual health through natural techniques and lifestyle modifications.

Irene is also an experienced Cob builder, having made her own house in the area using sustainable materials and techniques. Rancho Delicioso’s cob building classes are held at her place.

A seeker and follower of all Metaphysical, Ancestral and Shamanic wisdom healing, she is constantly studying techniques and methods for using the vital energy also known in the ancient culture as Chi or Prana.

Irene is from Costa Rica, and speaks Spanish, English and French. Read more about here here: Irene Alpizar


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Between Montezuma and Santa Teresa
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Rancho Delicioso

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