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New Dawn Educational Center

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We've been creating a “bio-support system” demonstrating permaculture practices in the tropics. Natural holistic health care with tropical and planetary medicinal plants. Ecological health gardens with permaculture design and natural building.


Sobre Mí

Biografía / Cualificaciones

Ed Bernhardt, N.D. has been working with tropical medicinal plants & gardens in Costa Rica for 20+ years. He is the author of Medicinal Plants of Costa Rica, The Costa Rican Organic Home Gardening Guide and Natural Health Care Guide for Tropical Living and Huertas Naturales Para Costa Rica in Spanish.

Jessica Benavides, a Costa Rican native, teaches Spanish and creates nutritious meals made fresh from our organic gardens.
We also offer medicinal plant teas, tinctures, and spices. For more information or to purchase these products, check out this link:


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Ed Bernhardt

Miembro desde hace 2 años
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