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La Gran Vista Agroecological Farm Costa Rica

Education of organic farming practices, soil regeneration and conservation, natural herbicides, natural pesticides, enhancement of the natural environment.

Educación en prácticas de agricultura ecológica, regeneración y conservación del suelo, herbicidas naturales, pesticidas naturales, mejora del entorno natural.

With stunning views of El Valle de General and Costa Rica’s tallest mountains, including Mount Chirripo, La Gran Vista Agricultural Ecological Farm is well named. It is situated in the county of Perez Zeledon, three hours south of San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica, in an area of outstanding natural beauty. Protected forests, sublime beaches and fabulous waterfalls can all be found nearby. Finca La Gran Vista was established on January 16, 2001, as a non-profit project with the aim of spreading awareness of environmentally sustainable agricultural methods to other farmers in the region. It is intended to provide an example for other farms of how the following practices can be employed successfully:
1.Soil conservation measures (construction of terraces, planting of soil-binding grasses);
2.Pasture rehabilitation and fence construction;
3.Vegetable cultivation in raised beds;
4.Treatment of structural wood in the farm buildings to protect from termites;
5.Construction and subsequent maintenance of greenhouses;
6.Planting of fruit-bearing trees;
7.Reforestation of trees native to the area;
8.Sharing of ideas with visiting local farmers;
9.Sharing of ideas with visiting local children and foreign students on ecological school tours;
10.Managing free-range poultry.
11.Cultivation of the Californian Red Worm for the enrichment of organic fertilizers;
12.Showing visitors the multiple uses that certain plants have, as treatment for both human health and plant welfare;
13.Fabrication of composts using materials grown on the farm;
14.Involving the volunteers in activities that allow for a greater appreciation of Costa Rican culture.
15.Fish Pond, as a way to produce healthy meat.
16.A butterfly House, to know the ways how they reproduce and hatch
17.Medicinal Herbs.

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Our mission is to educate and empower local farmers and international volunteers in order to contribute to sustainable agricultural development.

Our vision is to achieve self-sufficiency, sustainability, and agroecological agricultural systems in Costa Rica and abroad.


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Daniel Flores, El Peje de Repunta
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HappE Roberts

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