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Interning At Reserva Playa Tortuga

Do you want to participate as an intern with us? Here you can find some important points to keep in mind.

By helping this project you will be part of a serious scientific research project, which provides important data for the conservation of sea turtles. Upon arrival, sea turtle volunteers will receive training about the research project in which they are participating, how to use the equipment, and what work they will do as well as proper behavior in the field. The volunteer groups will always be working with experienced staff members, who will show volunteers proper scientific methods for working with sea turtles, hatchery work, handling nesting females, eggs and data collection.

A minimum of 4 weeks stay is recommended depending on the topic you want to develop
The Reserve can propose topics, and the same is open to the student proposing their own research ideas, which will be analyzed by the organization to see the scope and real possibilities of execution of the topic.
For the approval of the internship the interested ones must present the official documentation of their respective university and forms of agreements, otherwise the internship can not be done.

The Reserve is committed to supporting the student in terms of logistics, necessary basic equipment and field assistance when required for the execution of their work. If the proposal goes beyond the technical capacity of the Reserve, the student must have his/her own team to do so.


The Reserve will cover the cost of lodging and basic services for the student, but he/she will have to cover the cost referring to his/her food, which is $192 per week.


The student must pay the round trip tickets from his/her country of origin to the Reserve and viceversa.

The quotas to carry out the internships are subject to the availability of rooms and research interests of the Reserve.

Sobre Mí

Biografía / Cualificaciones

RPT is committed to developing and implementing community-based real world projects and conservation management solutions, using the best research science and conservation management practices.

To develop positive communication

To develop positive communication with populations and communities associated with study areas focusing on protection of coastal marine resources and the development of responsible ecological tourism.

$192 a week


Cómo pueden ponerse en contacto conmigo

Correo Electrónico
Dirección / Cómo llegar
Ojochal, Playa Tortuga
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Creador del Listado

HappE Roberts

Miembro desde hace 3 años
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Interning At Reserva Playa Tortuga 0 reseñas

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