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Rancho Delicioso Ecovillage

Verificado por su propietario

More info about Montezuma: Click here.

More info about Malpais/Santa Teresa: Click here.

The project is the brainchild of me, Geoff McCabe, but some of the lots are now owned by others, who are beginning to add their energy and creativity to the project. I’m also the CEO of Anamaya Yoga Resort in Montezuma, and two smaller eco-village projects in the area, Pura Vida Sunsets, and Solar Vistas and am a big proponent of tropical green building. I’ve written several articles on the subject such as this one: Costa Rica Green Building.

The current vision of the project is to create an organic community of eco-minded artists, especially those involved in the performance arts and yoga. Currently, all the lots that have been sold are to people who are musicians, artists, etc.

Yoga and Permaculture Program

Guest Lodging for PYP ProgramWe have an ongoing “PYP” program: Permaculture and Yoga Program. Guests visit us from around the world, anywhere from 5-15 at a time, to take a series of eight permaculture courses, and are awarded an Introduction to Permaculture Certificate.

This program, which is part yoga retreat and permaculture workshops, keeps our guests very busy throughout their week-long stay. They take additional classes in aerial silk, archery, raw chocolate making, and have a couple of beach and town/nightlife excursions too.

More info on the PYP is here:

Organic Farm

At the heart of Rancho Delicioso is an organic farm, part of which is owned by Anamaya Yoga Resort. Anamaya is investing in its own lots (1 1/4 acres) and is using another 2-3 acres for orchards and additional gardening. The idea is to grow the food for the yoga retreat guests, to provide local, fresh, and organic produce. We are hoping to be able to break even or save a bit of money by doing our own growing, while simultaneously doing the following:

    • 1. Research center for local organic farming efforts.


    • 2. Information about tropical organic growing techniques, published on the internet


    • 3. International volunteer center to bring talented people who will help with the farming, create their own exotic projects and research revolving around organic farming, permaculture, and green building. (currently suspended, as of 2018-2020)


    • 4. Aquaponics installation and research ponds.


    • 5. Green building research, using local materials, providing information to the public about sustainable and affordable building techniques.


    • 6. Recycling and up-cycling art, construction techniques, and research using materials provided by the area’s recycling center next door.


    • 7. An organic “farm to table” restaurant using our own produce, with various guest chefs from among local restaurants and hotels.


    8. A large covered geodesic-type dome for public events, and a future circus.

Only time will tell if we can really do it all, but so far we have accomplished our goals and the village is taking shape year by year.

We currently have suspended the volunteer program. You can check here for details: “Why we suspended our volunteer program.”

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200m Norte y Oeste de la Escuela Delicias Delicias de Cobano, Puntarenas 60111
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Rancho Delicioso

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