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VIDA Blue Clay

VIDA Blue Clay products are 100% artisanal, unique and exclusive with very limited inventory.

VIDA Blue Clay is 100% natural, organic and contains no artificial ingredients, no fragrances, no dyes and no preservatives.

VIDA Blue Clay is also odorless, as it is a 'rainforest clay' sourced near pure fresh spring water.  VIDA Blue Clay contains no sulfur, unlike 'volcanic clays' that can have a very strong, foul and repugnant sulfur smell.

VIDA Blue Clay is not for sale commercially and are not high-volume large-scale manufactured products.  Our products are not found in any major retail stores, corporate chains or even on Amazon.

VIDA Blue Clay is hand-harvested from a very remote location deep in the Costa Rica rainforest, hand carried down a mountain for over an hour, cleaned and silted with fresh Costa Rican spring water and each product is individually hand-processed and hand-packaged.

All VIDA Blue Clay products contain very fine dry 'blue clay' powder that can be mixed with water to turn into a creamy paste for application and use.

There is no expiration or limited shelf life for our dry powder blue clay, as it does not go bad, oxidize or spoil in fine dry powder form.

VIDA Blue Clay can be used topically for: 

  • Facial Masks & Spot Treatments for Acne & Oily/Dry Skin
  • Soothing Relief from Sun Burns and Bug Bites
  • Sunscreen & Bug Repellent
  • Cuts, Skin Rashes & Fungal Infections
  • Rejuvenating, Tightening and Regenerating Skin Tissue
  • Restoring & Softening Hair Follicles
  • Skin Exfoliations & Tattoo Restoration
  • Skin & Body Detoxifications to remove Heavy Metals
  • Eye Inflammations & Teeth Whitening

Natural Minerals* include: Magnesium, Calcium, Iron, Copper, Manganese, Nickel, Boric Acid, Cobalt, Chromium, Cerium, Boron & Phosphorus.

* Analysis: CIA Laboratory at University of Costa Rica

To purchase our products online, please visit our Featured Collections page.

For a list of Retail and Retreat Center locations where VIDA Blue Clay products are currently available, please visit our VIDA Blue Clay Retail Locations page.

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To learn more about the cosmetic and naturopathic benefits of using clay (and blue clay in specific), please visit the following sources:

Medicinal clay used by Native Americans shown to be more effective than overused antibiotics -

3 Proven Benefits of Blue Clay & its Uses in Cosmetics

All About Cambrian Blue Clay

THE BEAUTY BENEFITS OF CLAY: different colours for different needs

Natural blue clay may kill germs in wounds

Productos Ecológicos

Productos Ecológicos

All natural Blue Clay



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