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Permaculture with Jesse Blenn

Verificado por su propietario

We can teach about permaculture, plant-care, agrohomeopathy, renewable energy, vehicle design, hypnosis and alternative healings including Bach flower therapies.

Sobre Mí

Biografía / Cualificaciones

Cambria Gardens was started in 1983 as a small cacao (chocolate) plantation where a good collection of all the local fruits was planted. After returning to the US to work for several years, and then several months in Borneo, Jesse returned to the farm at the end of 2007 to begin replanting with wonderful fruits from around the world. Cambria Gardens is now the best collection of FRUITS, NUTS, and SPICES in all of Costa Rica. Plus we continue collecting new species and selecting the best cultivars, as well as starting our program of hybridization to develop new wonders.
Others sell the idea of “permaculture”. We plant the real thing.


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Las Tumbas, Costa Rica
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Jesse Blenn

Miembro desde hace 2 años
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