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Porvenir Design

We design landscapes that connect us to the places we live.

We work and live in the tropics of Central America, on land that we have designed and planted ourselves. We know the trees, the soils, and how the water moves. We are fluent in the culture and language of Latin America. It is this experience that allows us to design productive and beautiful landscapes and viable projects with our clients.

Porvenir Design facilitates a design process that balances the opportunities and constraints of the site with your needs and goals. We help you explore the conditions of the landscape and seek to understand its context to the larger region, in order to empower you to realize the full potential of the life you want to live. Our goal is to grow both your confidence and the productive capacity of the land you walk on. Our process flows from active participation and acceptance of responsibility by clients and land stewards; Porvenir Design provides mentorship and design guidance along the way.


Porvenir Design helps you make the best choices possible to grow your own food, restore your watershed, and build soil. From helping you to clarify your goals, to siting infrastructure, orchards, and roads, to providing technical planting schematics, we encourage you to leverage our experience in order to accelerate the development of your home or project. See our full list of services here.




What does your landscape want to look like 10 years from now? How do you merge this vision with your desired quality of life? Porvenir begins our projects by drawing out the potential of place and people, leaving clients confident in how they can take active responsibility for the land they steward.


What practical steps are required to make this vision a reality? This is the due diligence phase of our design work that seeks to answer where, what, when and how. It is a participative process that results in a concept working plan, implementation guide, and maintenance schedules.


Porvenir guides implementation oversight. This is boots on the ground; laying out orchards, training employees, sourcing plants, and monitoring progress overtime. We work side by side with your team to get a project off the ground and foundational soil, water and plant systems in the ground.




Diseñamos paisajes que nos conectan con el lugar donde vivimos.

Trabajamos y vivimos en el trópico centroamericano, en fincas que hemos diseñado y sembrado nosotros mismos. Conocemos los árboles, el suelo y el fluir del agua. Entendemos la cultura y el idioma de América Latina. Es justo esta experiencia la que nos permite diseñar hermosos paisajes productivos y proyectos factibles con nuestros clientes.

Porvenir Design facilita un proceso de diseño que pone en equilibrio las oportunidades y limitaciones de su terreno con sus objetivos y necesidades. Le ayudamos a explorar las condiciones del paisaje y entender su contexto en el marco regional, y así empoderarlo para alcanzar el máximo potencial de la vida que quiere vivir. Nuestro objetivo es cultivar tanto su confianza como la capacidad productiva de la tierra por la que camina. Nuestro proceso fluye desde la participación activa y la toma de la responsabilidad por parte de los clientes y los encargados de las fincas. Porvenir Design brinda capacitación y asesoría en el diseño durante todo el camino.


Bio / Qualifications

Porvenir Design was founded in May 2017 by Sam Kenworthy and Scott Gallant. Today we work with a number of agronomists, engineers, graphic designers, developers and farmers around the country of Costa Rica. To learn more about why our business was created please see our blog post on our Holistic Context. To get a peak into our minds, take a look at our ongoing reading list, recorded podcasts, and authored articles.

Scott Gallant is a permaculture designer and educator with nearly a decade of experience working in Central America. He is the co-founder of Porvenir Design, a landscape design firm specializing in productive landscapes. He graduated from Wabash College in 2008 with a degree in Economics. He was the farm manager at Rancho Mastatal for nine years, and has worked with diverse projects such as VersaLand, Open Source Ecology, Project Bonafide and many more as he has developed his skill-set in permaculture design.

Passionate about regenerative agriculture, holistic thinking, ethnobotany, community development, and re-skilling, he still makes time to hike and bike, read exhaustively, and work on his basketball jump shot and frisbee throw. He has traveled extensively in Latin America, leading to a love of the culture, food, and language, which he attempts to speak. Scott writes for the Permaculture Research Institute and has been featured on the Permaculture Voices and Abundant Edge podcasts.


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HappE Roberts

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