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Mar 23

Kings of the Heart: A Men’s Retreat

March 23, 2022 - March 29, 2022



Are you wishing to share in a dynamic experience of exploring your fullest potential with a glorious group of brothers in the wonderful jungles of Costa Rica?

Are you keen to learn more about the profound work with the major masculine archetypes of King, Warrior, Magician & Lover and a particular deep-dive into the Sovereign?

Are you wishing to have a space to be challenged in strongly held containers to let go of what is blocking your self-actualization so that you can embody more of your greatness?

Are you ready to step fully into Kingship and co-create a world where all men are supported into this higher calling?




..Meaning men who are fully alive in their noble power. A power that is both strong, fierce and willful while also calm, centered, tender and loving.

When the world swirls with chaos and disunity, it is always humans, stepping fully into their sovereignty and seeing the challenges of the wider world around them as their own, which rights the balance. That time is NOW.

Our intention for this dynamic week is to offer a multitude of teachings, exercises, experiences, sharing opportunities and much more to support the activation of the KING ARCHETYPE within us all. Truly, it is the KING that is needed most of all for he brings the sacred order that constellates all of the other archetypal forces and charts the pathway to the fullest expression of ourselves.




This retreat will activate powerful leaps in evolution. We can resolutely say it has the potential to change lives if there’s the will to step in deep enough. All the learnings and activations we’ll be participating are there to jostle us from stagnation, expand awareness of our potential and forge ahead powerful to new empowerment.



There will be a bunch of excellent learning nodes where we’ll learn the profound terrain of archetypal psychology and why it’s such a powerful tool for positive transformation. There will be an emphasis of activating the KING in us all and forging a world together WHERE ALL MEN ARE KINGS.



We could all use a little help in this. Some of us alot if we’re beset by a recent crisis or are in long-holding patterns of pain. The King Archetype brings this boon: he channels a strong sense of order and unity within our psyche. We’ll be checking in where we are lagging and, together, inspiring us to pull up our integrity by our bootstraps and step into a renewed sense of ourselves of greater coherence and noble power.



One of the great powers of archetypal work is it illuminates our SHADOW: where we are often acting out unconsciously, locked into patterns of addiction, self-destructiveness and simply not stepping fully into the light of our potential. By knowing where our shadow is, taking a proper diagnosis of our character wounds, we can begin to set forth on what we call ‘the wound-to-wisdom road’. As Robert Bly, men’s elder, heroically states, ‘our wounds are where our genius lies’ and we aim to live that in a big way in our dynamic time together.



We will guide ample sharing circles for men to unburden themselves of their long-held pain and challenges they are facing in their life so they can feel the support of encouraging brotherhood.



Gone are the days of ONE King ruling. Now are the days of ALL MEN AS KING. Truly and magnficently, we can’t step fully into our power alone. We need each other. We need conscious and encouraging community. And we need our brothers. Damn do we need them! Over the course of this week, we’ll be forging a sense of brotherhood that has the potential to build bonds to last a lifetime. This is one of the most beautiful resources that we will create together.


There will always be elements of good ol’fashioned fun on our retreats because the Holy Fool is such an integral archetypal force to prune our egos and keep us in our lightness and joy. We’ll be playing authentic relating games, some competitive sport and other shenanigans to balance out the sharpening of our swords.



We will be spending abundant time connecting deeply to the healing vibrations and peace of nature. As part of the Gaia Awakening Institute, we are also devoted to repairing our broken relationship with the Earth, which we see as integral to all the work we do. We will have ample time on site at Posada Natura connecting to the sacred waters of the Rio Naranjo, the Grandmother Ceiba Tree and many other natural elements. We will also be taking hikes into ECO ERA, an immense protected rainforest reserve a short drive away.





We are deeply honoured to share a day as part of our retreat visiting our sisters of Voices of the Moon who will be in a concurrent retreat south of us in the beautiful Diamante Valley.

The intention of this day of merging is to celebrate the reunion of men and women in a rising partnership culture where we work together to help steward new paradigms of healing and empowerment in the world.

The pain and conflicts between the genders is one of the oldest stories our species carry and it is our aim in our men’s work to YES primarily do this to lift up men but to also unite with women in love, respect and collaboration. This is some of the most beautiful work we can do on Earth and we’ll have a day of facilitated activities and revelry on wild land to connect and share together.


Is this Experience For You?

This retreat is for men who want to step more fully into their power and to explore a deep and embodied understanding of what that means. The whole concept of power in our world is being revised. It is no longer the old way of domination over others, of toxic alpha maleness focused on competition and other patriarchal hubris. Together, we will explore new concepts of power as expressions of virtue, what the ancient Taosits of the Orient called the ‘marvelous impulses’. We will also consider power as a force of creative love that is needed to help intensely care for the world, so duly needed in our shifting age.

This is NOT for perfect men or fully healed men, though we celebrate you in all your accomplishments are hard-won nobility. This is for men who are new to the work and also for those already doing the work, the good, gritty and glorious work of self-cultivation and self-mastery; living a life path of strong passion and purpose.

This is for men who are mired in suffering and long to break free. This is for men who feel they are not living to their fullest. This is for men who deeply care for the world and wish to serve and steward a better one. This is for fathers who wish to be better leaders and paragons for their children, and lovers of their wives. This is for men who wish to stand as Kings alongside empowered, Queenly women. This is for men who wish to learn to lead from strong love and their inner-genius.

Don’t hesitate. If you’ve found yourself here for some reason and a part of you has a nagging or even feeling of longing that there’s more growth for you to activate, we believe you have been magnetized to this offering. We are always anxious and even fearful before positive transformation. We encourage you to lean in and leap. A circle of beloved brotherhood awaits to receive you!



Darren Austin Hall

Men’s Empowerment Leader,

Founder of Kings of the Heart

Cesar Rodriguez

Shadow-Work Mentor, Entrepreneur &

Founder of Love Is Our Nature

Paul Michael Cropper

Holistic Living Coach, PhD Chemist &

Founder of Masculine Heart Coaching


March 23, 2022
March 29, 2022
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Posada Natura
Posada Natura
Puntarenas, Naranjito Costa Rica
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Darren Austin Hall
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