Mis Datos








Pérez Zeledón

Qué temas le apasionan más?

Colaboración – Comunicación, Cooperativas, Coordinación de Eventos Educativos, Salud, Comunidades Intencionales, Permacultura, Desarrollo Personal, Negocio Regenerativo, Vida Regenerativa, Energía Renovable


Página web


Redes Sociales

Sobre Mí


I’m the founder of Regeneration Nation Costa Rica, a podcast exploring who’s doing what to bring Costa Rica toward carbon neutrality and social well-being.  I’ve been a dedicated earth steward for more than 20 years. My mission is to promote & network regenerative projects throughout CR, hoping to enhance their potential to make their intended impact and thrive.

As a permaculturist with a background in business, I’ve begun to bridge ecologically-focused entrepreneurs with the 21st-century tools and business practices I’ve found useful in my own endeavors.

In 2009, I founded Finca Fruicion, a permaculture education center and homestead in CR. During my dozen years dedicated to that project, I hosted hundreds of volunteers, interns, and students, produced events, taught a little, and learned a lot.

In 2020 I began looking for answers to the challenges I’d experienced running my program by interviewing other landowners to see what they were doing well within their respective projects. The Sharing Insights Podcast was my first step along that path, focusing primarily on landowners who host guests, offering educational and transformational experiences.

After a year of podcasting and coming to understand that movement’s needs from a broader perspective, I rebranded the podcast to Regeneration Nation Costa Rica to unite regenerative enterprises around the country, from grassroots to industry-level initiatives, in support of the impact they can make together.