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Mar 13

Writers Retreat: Reveal & Express Yourself

marzo 13, 2022 - marzo 18, 2022


Evento Navegación

Is there a book that is wanting to be expressed through you?

Now is the time.

The world needs your story.

What’s more, you will be transformed

by the process of telling it.

Reveal + Express Yourself

Have you felt that inner knowing that if you just had time and space set aside to focus on creation, this powerful message would be unleashed for the benefit of humanity?

Maybe it’s the thing you can’t stop thinking about. Or perhaps it’s that little nagging thought at the edge of your consciousness that just won’t leave you alone.

Maybe you can’t shake the feeling that there’s a message you are meant to share with the world. Perhaps there’s a defining experience that made you who you are today, and you feel called to pass what you’ve learned on to others.

One thing we know for a fact: The writing process is sure to be transformative. If you say yes to this retreat, you will not be the same person by the end as you were when you arrived.

Creative inspiration is calling. Will you have the courage to answer?

When we give ourselves time and space, we can do the deep work necessary to bring

forth the message only we can in the most impactful and inspirational way.

If you have heard the call and have a message that desires to come through,

we invite you to join us in Costa Rica from March 13-18, 2022.

Ultimately, our intention for you is to reconnect with parts of yourself that have been

neglected and to shine a light on parts of your story you are ready to release by devoting

uninterrupted time and space to start (or perhaps complete) your book. During our time

together, you will be nourished and supported—and reminded that the writing process

does not need to feel arduous or solitary.

It’s not just about setting aside the time to write (although that may be a big part of

the appeal for you and we don’t want to discount it!)—it’s about the synchronicities and surprises

that are sure to show up when you answer the call to gather with us in this sacred creative energy.

You might come in with a specific plan and measurable goal (e.g. a number of words to write

or chapters to complete). Equally, you might have no idea what you want to create during

our time together—and that’s OK too!

In this supportive & transformational experience, you can expect to:

Connect with your divine nature and remember who you are and what you have to share.

Learn to free and express your authentic voice.

Awaken and unleash your creative life force energy.

Learn techniques to remove writer’s block by becoming a channel for what desires to flow you.

Receive direct one-on-one and group feedback.

Gain insights about the publishing process and next steps for your book.

Share your wisdom and expertise for the benefit of others in the group.

Leave with an inner-standing of how to turn your message into an inspirational book.

Join us for our Costa Rica Writers Retreat: the most perfectly divine safe space,

designed and intended to catalyze your creative process.



Your retreat investment includes:

Five nights’ accommodation on a lush four-acre property with mountain views in the Central Valley of Costa Rica

The house and grounds include a pool, an outdoor yoga/fitness space, and plenty of gathering space in various formats to accommodate group activities, private conversations and healing sessions, or quiet time by yourself.

Well-appointed and comfortable accommodations in a private room* with private bathroom, electricity, hot water, and wifi. (We encourage you to minimize your online time to be present during this retreat, and we also know being connected can be important to stay in touch with loved ones and to back up the work you complete while here.)

Transportation via private shuttle from SJO (San Jose, Costa Rica) airport to the retreat property and return to SJO.

Healthy vegetarian meals (plus snacks and beverages) each day to nourish and replenish your body and soul and stoke your creative fire. We are able to accommodate most dietary needs and requests with advance notice.

Daily workshops and activities related to writing, publishing, connecting with your intuition, and other topics relevant to the creative process

Optional daily guided sessions of gentle movement (such as yoga) to support your body and keep the energy flowing

Healing and grounding ceremonies to support you in connecting to and honoring your experience

A 60-minute one-on-one call with Amanda to help you speak into your vision in advance of the retreat

A 60-minute one-on-one call with Elizabeth after you return home to help you set strategic and practical next steps for bringing your creative work into the world

A post-retreat integration call for the group

Access to an online writers’ community to support you once you return home

A life-changing experience to support you as you bring your message into the world!

*  If you wish to attend with a friend or partner and share accommodations, you can book two spots (double occupancy) in the retreat for $3,999.
Please email for personalized payment links if you wish to split the payment between two people.

Your Investment: $2,499 USD

We have special pricing available for participants in Awaken Your Book, our five-month (live, online) group program to support you in writing your book. Registered Awaken Your Book participants will receive a discount code for $1,000 off of the Costa Rica Writers Retreat. Learn more about Awaken Your Book.

A $500 USD deposit is required to reserve your spot. The remaining balance will be due on 2/22/22.

Not included in this price are your round-trip airfare to SJO (San Jose, Costa Rica) airport and other optional activities and services you may choose to add on.

After making your deposit, you will receive an email with information about when to arrive, what to pack, and other logistical details.

Where you will stay

for the

Costa Rica Writers Retreat

Our retreat center is located in Santa Eulalia, Alajuela Province—about 10 minutes drive from Atenas, a small and safe city known for having “the best climate in the world.” Although participants will remain on-site for the duration of the retreat, support staff can make a trip to town in case you forgot to pack anything that is urgently needed.

The retreat center is a 30-minute drive from SJO airport and about 40 minutes from some of Costa Rica’s most beautiful and popular beaches.

Our retreat will be taking place during the dry season, with long, sunny days and cool nights.

The gardens on our four-acre property are maintained by a full-time gardener that has looked after this land for more than twenty years. Depending on the season, a variety of fruits and vegetables are grown on-site may be available for guests, including but not limited to mangoes, pineapples, papayas, guavas, bananas, cashews, potatoes, yucca, and other root vegetables and herbs.

On our property, you will get to see many beautiful and exotic flowers, as well as huge butterflies, iguanas, geckos, frogs, hummingbirds, and with a little luck, even toucans and sloths.

The retreat center offers assistance with booking add-on activities such as coffee tours, hiking, surfing, volcano and waterfall excursions, and animal sanctuary visits. If you desire to extend your time in Costa Rica, we can provide referrals for accommodation, transportation, and tour providers to help you make your plans.

Meet Your Guides:

Amanda Johnson

Amanda has one mission: to inspire others to reveal and express more of who they truly are. One way she does this is through her work as a writer, editor, and book doula, guiding other authors to reveal and express their message in the most authentic and impactful way. She is the author of Becoming Enough: A Heroine’s Journey to the Already Perfect Self, the founder of Awaken Village Press, and the host of the Being Inspired Radio Show.

In the process of bringing her own inspirational book—along with many others’—into the world, she has discovered that one of the most important elements for completing a book is a quiet mind with clear access to your inner truth and most authentic self. As a book doula, it is her privilege and responsibility to guide and create the container for you to tap into your divine energy in the most ideal environment in preparation for birthing your book into the world.




Elizabeth Gudrais

Elizabeth’s initiation into the Awaken Village Press approach to artistic creation came during the 2019 Costa Rica retreat, so she is thrilled to be helping to facilitate a similar experience for participants in the upcoming retreat. The 2019 retreat was a life-changing experience for Elizabeth, challenging her to step from her “comfort zone” (a foundation based on her education in literary theory and analysis) into a more intuitive approach not bound by prescribed principles or established formats.

Books and language have been Elizabeth’s playground since she was a little girl, and she delights in guiding others to become more comfortable in the world of literary forms and the written word. She is also the facilitator of the Awaken Your Book five-month group program for writers. When she is not supporting Awaken Village Press authors, Elizabeth is at work on two books of her own (with two more book ideas after that). With broad and deep experience in magazine and newspaper journalism, as well as editing and ghostwriting, Elizabeth possesses keen insight to crystallize the heart and essence of your book and find an effective structure to make your unique message both beautiful and impactful.


Claudia Gallo, RYT 500

Originally from San Jose, Costa Rica, Claudia spent more than a decade traveling, living, and teaching around the world. She lived and taught mostly in Malaysia, but constantly took workshops and other trainings in other parts of Southeast Asia and the USA, always deepening her practice and learning creative ways of sharing the yoga traditions. She has recently moved back to Costa Rica and is one of the in-house yoga instructors and the retreat manager at Danyasa Yoga Eco-Lodge.

Claudia did her first 200-hour teacher training in India at Himalaya Yoga Valley in 2011, and her 300 hours were completed in 2017 in New York at YogaWorks. Claudia also has a vast interest in healing and restorative practices, which led her to dive deeper into energy work, yin yoga, yoga nidra, and most recently, expressive embodiment practices.

As a third-generation instructor with a background in sports and adventure, Claudia possesses an energetic yet serene personality that invites you to a journey within. Her well-rounded classes focus on the awareness of the body, importance of the breath, calming of the mind, and opening of the heart—inviting you to a deeper connection and balance of the mind, body, nature, and spirit.

Each class with Claudia is creative and sometimes challenging, yet always very grounding. She pays special attention to proper alignment, and her cues are clear for both beginners and advanced practitioners. Claudia will always make you feel comfortable, at ease, and inspired with her down-to-earth personality. Her classes flow with grace, and her voice nurtures you to places deep within.

Committed to sharing wellness in an integrative and functional way, Claudia’s events, workshops, and retreats reflect the love and passion she has for the practice—qualities she is able to transmit so practitioners’ hearts are touched and inspired to look within, tap into their inner wisdom, and come back into full trust.



Sophie Hardy

Sophie Hardy will guide a sacred ceremony for our group during the retreat. Born from a long lineage of Celtic and Druidism, Sophie comes from a heritage of medicine women, witches, and healers—powerful women who worked with plants and herbs, who were deeply connected with nature and her wisdom. They are still alive within her; their presence flows freely through her blood. Since a young age, magic, miracles, and strange occurrences have flowed through and around her. She struggled to see their blessings, and for a long time chose to run away from her gifts and magic. Instead, she chose to be a businesswoman of the Matrix—to be part of the illusion, to be materialistic and superficial. She also chose to become abandoned, poor, and alone—a single mother fending for the life of her children. Life has shown her that she is strong and resilient—and that she can evoke the warrior within. After experiencing a deep victim mentality and almost taking her own life, she received strong messages to begin a series of rebirths that would lead her into true alignment with love, vulnerability, and surrender. The last 30 years of her life have been spent in Central and South America with indigenous communities and shamans. She immersed herself in their ancestral wisdom, their medicinal plant ceremonies, and their legends and lores and connecting with the sacredness of life. She is here to teach you how to live in an abundant, natural, and authentic way—one that follows the path of ancient wisdom.



Rodolfo Carrillo

Rodolfo Carrillo is an author, speaker, trainer, healer, and consultant. As a conscious leadership shaman, he developed the powerful SER model for personal mastery and profound transformation. He started meditating at seven years old and has been in a deep spiritual path ever since. This has guided him to seek, travel, and study ancient wisdom and traditions all over the world, visiting places like Tibet, Egypt, Perú, and the Hopi Land. Rodolfo has a very interesting and unique combination of business skills and experience coupled with spiritual wisdom that triggers profound transformation through his work, which is motivated by his drive to serve others in their own spiritual and professional development. His purpose is: to contribute to raising the consciousness of humanity so that we can create a healthier society and world where people and organizations interact with compassion and can thrive through a greater state of wellbeing. During our retreat, he will lead a workshop on the power of your life story.


marzo 13, 2022
marzo 18, 2022
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Amanda Johnson
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