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Body Cleanse Detox Program

abril 10, 2023 - abril 15, 2023

$790 – $890


The PachaMama Detox Program, Full Body Cleanse  is a detox retreat designed to cleanse the buildup of toxins, mucus, gas and parasites in the digestive system from years of stressful living, toxic environments and consuming unhealthy foods. The accumulation of such toxins is the cause for a wide array of adverse effects on the physical as well as the emotional body. Detoxifying the blood, cleaning the colon and flushing the liver allows the body to reset, improving one’s overall health.

This powerful detox also sets off a metaphysical reaction, clearing out emotional and mental blockages and making way for more energy, vitality, renewed appreciation and deep connection to the body.

The Detox Program consists of a full schedule:

  • Juice fasting with freshly pressed, 100% organic vegetable juices enriched with raw super foods, including PachaMama’s self-grown medicinal plants. The juice menu is served throughout the day and includes a high vitamin C juice, a green juice, a fresh noni drink and other highly nutritious, detoxifying juices
  • Daily enema sessions (colon irrigation, open system) held in 10 private, comfortable enema rooms overlooking a beautiful forest hillside
  • Liver & gallbladder Flush (see below)
  • Daily yoga classes – designed and held specifically for the group, supporting the detox process
  • Digestive system classes – shedding light and understanding on how the digestive system and liver work, creating a better understanding on how to support those systems on the long run
  • Diet and nutrition classes – sharing important information and  tools to raise awareness and ensure participants go on to make healthier lifestyle choices
  • Individual health consultations – discussing personal health concerns, symptoms & taking a holistic, in-depth look at each one’s health needs and habits
  • A group breathwork session
  • Body movement & dance classes
  • Group sharings
  • Movie screening on related topics
  • A day trip to the nearby beautiful Pacific beach
  • Daily meditation

Liver Flush


The liver flush is a process designed to effectively rid the body from gallstones that have accumulated in the liver and gallbladder. Specific instructions and support are provided throughout the 24-hour process.

The liver flush is part of the five-day body cleanse program in PachaMama.

The Prana Clinic Facilities:


The Body Cleanse Detox program is held in the well-designed, spacious Prana Clinic, fitted with:

  • 10 private enema rooms, each containing an easy to use, self-operated irrigation system used for the hydro-colonics and a hot shower.
  • A spacious, comfortable lounge to enjoy the juices, hang out and read health-related books and magazines.
  • A private session room for individual talks and sessions.
  • A nearby hall (“Tara Garden”) for group activities such as yoga, dance, meditations, informative talks and sharing circles. Tara Garden is equipped with air-conditioning, mattresses and pillows and is open for the group participants to rest and relax.

Important notes:


It is highly recommended to arrive in PachaMama at least two days before the Cleanse Group starts to get oriented in the village, allow the body to get used to a different climate and a new environment, and lighten the diet with the vegetarian food served in the restaurant.  It is also recommended to stay for at least a couple of days after the group to support the body’s acclimating with the specific post-cleanse meals served in the restaurant. The group starts with an opening circle at 4 pm on the first day. On the day the group starts, participants are asked to eat light and skip dinner. The last day is a half-day and usually ends by 1 pm – in time for lunch.

Detailed instructions on how to prepare for the detox program will be sent 2 weeks prior to the start date for all confirmed registrations.

It is advisable to bring good probiotic capsules to further support the body’s natural flora and digestion after the cleanse.

PachaMama is not a facility for the recovery or rehabilitation from substance abuse or dependence. 

Learn more about the PachaMama Body Cleanse & Detox retreat programs.


abril 10, 2023
abril 15, 2023
$790 – $890
Evento Categoría:


PachaMama Guanacaste Costa Rica + Google Map
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Gaya & Omie
