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Limpiemos Nuestros Rios!
Limpiemos Nuestros Rios!
Limpiemos Nuestros Rios!
Mi nombre es Darrin. Yo vivo sur de Pérez Zeledón. He limpiado el riachuelo al lado de mi tierra, y estoy preparando empezar limpiando los rios grandes en mi área.
Estoy buscando para personas que todavia estan limpiando rios y o estan interesados en limpiando nuestros rios hermosas.
Estas involuncrado en la limpieza de rios actualmente?
Conoces algun esfuerzo actual con el que puedes conectarme?
Te gustarÃa limpiar rÃos conmigo?
Por favor, responda si algo de lo anterior es cierto para usted.
Gracias, DarrinLet’s clean our rivers!
My name is Darrin. I live south of Pérez Zeledón. I have cleaned the riachuelo next to my property, and I have started cleaning the larger rivers in my area.
I’m looking for people who are currently cleaning rivers and/or are interested in cleaning our beautiful rivers.Humans are a messy, dirty species even when we try to be good. We are constantly shedding plastic and other crap. Even waterways that appear clean have quite a bit of garbage, you don’t realize how much until you starting walking down the river.
I will be cleaning rivers in my area 1-2 days a week, and I’d love to come help you clean the waterway of your choosing (with 2 hrs drive).
Are you involved in waterway cleanup efforts?
Do you know of any efforts currently happening?
Would you like to clean rivers and riacuelos?Do you have a favorite rio or riachuelo that you’d like to clean?
I do have environmental cleanup experience. We will operate in a safe manner, always aware of the power of water, and the potential hazards associated with the trash we encounter.
Please reply if this interests you, with all useful contacts, and any other relevant information.
Thank you, Darrin
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