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Satsang with Hannes Michel
January 31 @ 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
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Let us gather in the light of our true nature
We warmly invite you to join our Satsang with Hannes Michel, integral mystic, psychologist and fun-loving yogi, who is resting in the presence of our deathless nature, the ocean of love, while fully embracing our human form.
Be invited to experience how in his presence your mind becomes still, your heart widely opens and your body softens.
In his presence one is naturally invited to come home into the light of our hearts, that is illuminating all darkness and pain and has the power to enlighten everything.
Let us you come to the place where we are one.
Our second Satsang in Nosara on Friday, Jan 31 will take place at the wonderful retreat place Tierra Encantada.
REGISTRATION REQUIRED due to limited capacity. Reserve your spot via mail: home@hannesmichel.de
Donations are welcome
Further dates may follow. Details will be updated in this event and sent via mail to those who express interest.
Facebook Event link: https://facebook.com/events/s/universal-satsang-with-hannes-/1967061397149473/
What to expect:
Hannes will share presence and blessings of Nonduality in silent transmission, words of wisdom and by answering your questions that may arise out of the silence of your heart.
Listen to the recording of the Introduction and Meditation of our 1st Satsang in Nosara to get a feeling for the sacred energy we share in this space:
Listen on Apple Podcasts:
Listen on Spotify:
If you desire to receive the full recording of the whole Satsang, send us an email.
About Hannes:
Hannes woke up to our true nondual nature by the age of 18 in a profound death experience that has changed his way of being here on Earth forever. In the time he died and had already left his body, he realised that his deepest soul mission is to share the awakening and love of our true nature with as many beings as possible. Since then he has dedicated his life to the awakening of all beings.
By resting not only in our formless nature, but also embodying profound wisdom and skills as a transpersonal psychologist, Hannes can embrace the souls who come to him with deepest compassion and skilfulness to let the light of our changeless nature shine into all aspects of our human experience.
Wake up, grow up, show up:
Hannes rests in the knowing that enlightenment does not only mean to wake up to our true nature, but to also fully grow up and mature in all ways by shining the light into all of our shadows and aspects of life (with the help of the sacred enneagram and many other sacred arts) which then enables us to show up as purified vessels for the awakening of all beings.
Hannes will be accompanied by his partner Carina who lives at his side for 5 years and is breathing the blessings of Hannes presence and the Nondual Temple teachings in every step she takes. Her own presence and embodiment is arising out of her deep inner experience of the divine feminine that lives and vibrates within her heart and body and is dancing in union with the divine masculine, in form and formless.
If your heart is longing to experience the light and love of our true being and you want to stabilise in the awareness of all-encompassing love, be invited to share this precious space with us.
Send us an email to home@hannesmichel.de if you want to join the Satsang
REGISTRATION REQUIRED due to limited capacity.
Donations are welcome
If you may long to receive 1:1 guidance for your individual journey of deeper awakening and homecoming to the love that you are, you can apply for private sessions with Hannes via mail.
To already get a deeper feeling for the precious Nondual Temple work, watch this english interview with Hannes:
and feel so deeply welcome to join the Nondual Temple Telegram Channel for deep transmissions of the light of our true nature:
“Hannes is a very unique man. He is a Scholar, Saint, Scientist and Yogi all wrapped up together. Thanks to his extraordinary gifts, he receives timeless wisdom as a spiritual treasure finder. He is here to deliver powerful, healing and liberating messages for obtaining balance and happiness within and for the world.” – Laura Kamm (medical intuitive, visionary, author)
Deepest love and blessings,
the Nondual Temple Team