Organizaciones Comunitarias

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The Diamante Bridge Collective

Verificado por su propietario

The Diamante Bridge Collective (DBC) is a network of land stewards, individuals, organizations and communities located primarily within the Diamante Valley of Costa Rica, expanding to include those from the greater Southern Zone of Costa Rica, and those abroad.

The DBC functions as a hub of many physical nodes, connected via global networks of shared vision and mission with the goal of restoring, preserving and consciously stewarding surrounding lands and watersheds while living harmoniously within them in alignment with our planetary values.

We work together to create collective foundational agreements and a local regenerative economy that includes digital currencies for the transparent and accountable recordkeeping of our exchanges.

We are building bridges between individuals, communities and organizations, local and global cultures, property owners and skilled service providers in the Southern Zone of Costa Rica who are committed to working together long term to care for our bioregion, our neighbors, and ourselves.

We also serve as a bridge, and an entry portal, for individuals looking to exit the industrial consumerist lifestyle, and return to regenerative practices and community living. Operating as a diverse network, we are in a unique position to be able to direct and connect individuals to communities which will best suit their needs, interests and passions.

We value the transcendence of the old model of land “ownership”, choosing instead to “steward” lands. We are in the process of creating a legal foundation for the securing of land into trust or conservation, for the benefit of future generations.

We embody the ethics and principles of permaculture in our personal and communal lives, whilst supporting and inspiring one another with honesty, clarity and authentic communication. We value family and community life, seeking to create village settlements that nurture optimal human development by most effortlessly meeting everyone's needs.

We value open-sourced platforms of information storage so that our story may serve as a model to be shared with other collectives and put into action.

Our governance model is Sociocracy, valuing the diversity of perspectives within our collective and ensuring space for all voices during decision making processes.

DBC Education and culture sharing includes:

  • Facilitating the Living Permaculture Mentorship Program, offering skill sets in Syntropic Agroforestry, Social Permaculture, Holistic Wellness, Permaculture Design Certificates, and Growing and Preserving Food (Campaign can be found by copy and pasting this link:
  • Hosting and collaborating on culture exchange and skill share events
  • Supporting the rebirth of balanced Earth-People cultures through Visionary storytelling and integrated Indigenous ancestral wisdom
  • Offering scholarships for youth leaders from economically disadvantaged communities
  • Creating multicultural and multilingual learning environments.

Current Members within the DBC

  • Diamante Luz Centre for Regenerative Living
  • H.O.M.E. (Heaven On Mother Earth) Farm
  • La Luz del Bosque
  • Perma Vida
  • EARTHEART Living Permaculture Mentorship Program
  • Finca Morpho
  • Finca La Paz
  • Free The Food
  • Kapi Kapi
  • Don Marcelino & the Bri Bri Indigenous Nation of Costa Rica



We have adopted the Findhorn Values of:

  1. Spiritual Practice
  2. Service
  3. Personal Growth
  4. Integrity
  5. Respect Others
  6. Direct Communication
  7. Reflection
  8. Feedback
  9. Non-violence
  10. Perspective
  11. Cooperation
  12. Peace-keeping
  13. Agreements
  14. Commitment

Sobre Nosotros

Misión / Intención


We envision an interdependent network of healthy autonomous communities cultivating and nurturing a planetary paradise where everyone's needs are met and the prosperity of Earth is endowed to future generations.


We are inspiring planetary transformation by embodying regenerative lifestyles.
We are generating experiential learning tools, skills, and capacities for the flourishing of personal, spiritual and environmental relationships.
We are co-creating collective agreements for self-governance, economic exchange, resource sharing and common-land stewardship.
We are facilitating the just redistribution of resources and power toward restoration of ecological wellness and social equity.

Cómo contactar con nosotros

Dirección / Cómo llegar
San Salvador de Barú San José Pérez Zeledón, 11909
Cuentas en las redes sociales

Creador del Listado

Randall Piesveloces

Miembro desde hace 2 años
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