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SFFT Product, Recipe & Menu Development

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About us

Mission / Intention

A private food producing farm gains chutney, simmer sauce, salsa and fruit leather for selling. An Inn, hotel or BnB gains a menu featuring local foods. A wedding, anniversary or party gains a custom unique menu using local harvest. Growing food? Its perishable. turning it into products that have a longer shelf life gives more value and more retail options. Using local coconuts, Wendy has made wraps, cheese, pasta and cookies, just as an example.

Bio / Qualifications

Wendy is a do it yourself country girl. Most passionate about creating whole food plant based
meals, growing food, herbs and flowers, and practicing sustainable living skills. She is a great
example of personal and environmental sustainability as she has been homesteading for 30+ years, is from Southwest Wisconsin. Building her first home debt-free one check at a time. She mastered deep mulch growing, square foot gardening, composting, vermiculture, food
preservation, root cellaring, mushroom growing, beekeeping, was a maple syrup producer and wild food forager. She studied permaculture, natural building, passive solar, zero energy homes,
rainwater catchment, greywater systems, gravity feed, site planning for wind and solar, green
remodeling. She is especially good at repurposing items for building and growing. She has
designed classes for a folk school in green cleaning, stick frame construction for women, composting and
chainsaw and firewood basics for beginners. She worked 25 years as an independent contractor
running a green cleaning business and was a certified lead remediator. She also has extensive
experience in food production in restaurants of all kinds and catering. Hence her
business -
Smiling Fork Farm to Table.
Wendy became plant based in 1982 upon learning the personal and environmental benefits. A
true food artist, she loves impressing folks with delicious homemade treats. Growing up mom
made everything homemade, grew a garden and avoided preserved food. At halloween she
traded the candy from trick or treating for homemade popcorn balls, caramel apples, yoghurt
covered raisins and carob covered nuts. She mastered cooking for all kinds of food sensitivities,
allergies and special diets. She is known for fruit leather and specializes in dehydrator treats.
Wendy is available to educate, share knowledge, advise and equip modern homesteaders.
Brainstorming, setting goals, prioritizing and organizing. Learn essential skills for your natural
living journey.
Have confidence knowing this experienced hands-on coach is on your side to help grow and
produce your own food, stock your pantry for preparedness, practice simple natural healthcare,
build relationships with the natural environment. WE aim to teach farmers how to avoid the
many pitfalls that could lead to failure, disappointment and discouragement during the first few
years of homesteading and hobby farming.
Vision; a world where families can return to living authentically, connected to themselves and
each other along with the environment, practicing natural holistic and nurturing methods of food,
healthcare and stewardship in their lives.
Mission; to enable, empower, inspire and support seekers in producing and preserving food,
while achieving goals as a community.

Travel area
Will consider traveling far


How you can reach us

Address / Directions
Perez Zeledon
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Listing Creator

Wendy Crews

Member since 3 years ago
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