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Knowledge that makes the world a better place.”

Alexis Costello – GEMS College of Energy Medicine

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Alexis uses muscle testing as a biofeedback mechanism to help you determine the stress underlying a disease or pain in the body (whether that is physical, mental, or emotional) and remove that stress so you can return to balance. Your body always knows what’s wrong and how to fix it, but sometimes there is too much stress on an issue for it to do it alone.

Incorporating several modalities of Specialized Kinesiology including GEMS, Stress Indicator Point System (SIPS), Neural Organizational Technique (N.O.T), Touch for Health, K-Physis, BioKinetics and more into intuitive personalized sessions.

About Me

Bio / Qualifications

Founder of GEMS College of Energy Medicine and Creator of the GEMS courses, Alexis is a barefoot gardening, zouk dancing, book reading, mother of dragons. She has been working in the holistic health field for over 20 years, spending much of that time teaching various modalities of specialized kinesiology / muscle response testing and serving on the Boards of various National and International Associations (CanASK, IASK).

She is part of the foundation team at Knowlative and the Chief Organization Officer for SIPS Kinesiology International Lld.

Classes taught:

Touch for Health 1-4, Proficiency Assessments and Instructor Training

Stress Indicator Point System (SIPS), 1-8, Body Alignment Proprioception (BAP), Virus Immune Program (VIP), Proficiency Assessments and Instructor Training

GEMS Kinesiology and workshops in nutrition, business development and flower essences.

20 mil / hour for locals
All available payment options
Open to trade/barter, Cash
Travel area
Only available at my home/office

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Address / Directions
2.5km Alfombra
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Business Hours

Closed Now
  • Monday
    09:00 am - 05:00 pm
  • Tuesday Closed
  • Wednesday
    09:00 am - 05:00 pm
  • Thursday Closed
  • Friday
    09:00 am - 05:00 pm
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

Listing Creator

Alexis Costello

Member since 3 years ago
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1 review
  • Eric Baudry

    Alexis is probably the person who has most accelerated and eased my efforts towards becoming my best self, and is the most talented healer I’ve ever met.

    I started our sessions together with some specific posture and alignment issues and wanting to better heal from an appendectomy. Alexis helped me substantially improve those, and during our time together found other areas that also needed my attention for me to progress on the self-actualization goals I’ve been working on.

    During the ten or so sessions we had together we also worked on optimizing nutrition and biochemistry, resolving trauma from childhood issues, questioning limiting perspectives and encouraging empowering ones.

    My life has been profoundly improved from her assistance.

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