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Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine

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Acupuncture is used in the treatment of everything from aches and pains, gynecological issues, infertility, the common cold, fatigue, emotional & psychological imbalances, stress, anxiety, depression, digestive problems, long term illness and so much more. Treatments include diagnosis and needling sessions with cupping, gua sha & moxibustion treatments when applicable.  Specific Chinese Herbal Formulas may also be recommended as well as Circadian Acupuncture, which involves the use of  astrological "open-points" specific to the given time and location of your session. 

About Me

Bio / Qualifications

Hi, my name is Kiera. I have been formally studying, teaching and applying the knowledge of Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Classical Hatha Yoga, meditation and non-dual Dharma philosophy for over 25 years to my own life and to those I have the great fortune to work with. I hold a Masters degree in Chinese Medicine from the Academy of Chinese Culture & Health Sciences in Oakland, California and a Bachelors Degree in Cultural Anthropology with an emphasis in women's/gender studies & religion from San Francisco State University. I obtained my Acupuncture license in 2004 from the state of California. I am a certified Non-Dual Dharmic Counselor, Primal Ayurveda Health Advisor and Adi-Yoga instructor. I am also a graduate of Dharma Inc’s 7-year Tantrik Yoga Studies Program and have spent decades immersed in daily practice of many non-dual essence traditions. I am extremely grateful for all of the remarkable teachers I have had and feel extremely blessed to have received formal teachings & initiation from Dharma Bodhi (Kashmiri Shaivite lineage holder & founder of Trika Method), HH Lungtok Tenpai Nyima (world wide spiritual leader of Tibetan Yung Drung Bon) and Liu Ming (WuWei Daoist lineage holder & founder of Da Yuan Circle). Today, I am truly grateful to be studying under Saki Santorelli in the Sufi and Mindfulness Tradition (guesthouseawareness.com) with his compassionate essence based way of being.

My studies and passion in finding how our held unconscious beliefs and the separation from our authentic selves expresses in our mental and physical imbalances eventually led me to meet and study with Dr. Gabor Mate, a pioneer in his method of healing through a profound synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern scientific research in trauma and neurobiology. Having successfully completed the 1 year in-depth training followed by the advanced mentorship program, I became a certified Compassionate Inquiry (CI) practitioner. I am continuing my work in CI as an intern and CI circle leader. The application of Compassionate Inquiry has truly transformed my own life as well as the lives of my clients. As my knowledge and experience working in the healing profession has grown, I have also been increasingly aware of how our relationship with Nature is foundational in our healing on personal, societal and global levels.

Initial Session: (1 hour 45 minutes) $85 / Follow Ups: (70 minutes) $60
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Open to trade/barter, Cash, Credit cards accepted
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Only available at my home/office


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  • Monday
    08:30 am - 05:30 pm
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    08:30 am - 05:30 pm
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    08:30 am - 05:30 pm
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    08:30 am - 05:30 pm
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    08:30 am - 05:30 pm
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Listing Creator

Kiera McGuire

Member since 3 years ago
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