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Rancho Mastatal Sustainability Education Center

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Based in Costa Rica, we are one of the premier sites in tropical America to gain experience in Natural Building, Permaculture, Fermentation, and more!
Rancho Mastatal is an environmental learning and sustainable living center located in and on the edge of the last remaining virgin rainforest of Costa Rica’s beautiful Puriscal County.
We practice, promote and teach about living responsibly in the tropics while educating our visitors about the significance of the world’s disappearing tropical forests. We work tirelessly to help lead local efforts in conservation, food security and production, education, natural medicine, and community growth.

We provide powerful educational opportunities through our inspirational, experiential programs and onsite network of integrated, working systems.  Our practices are appropriate to our rural, tropical, environment; are replicable; and embody competencies and philosophical tenants which are also applicable in other regions of the world.  Our programs reach a cross-generational, cross-cultural audience and are accessible to a range of demographics.

Our dynamic community encompasses the people of our region, the Ranch team, and many of the people that participate in our varied programs.  Our core team is able to provide for itself through agricultural, food-based, building, and educational activities, which simultaneously create and strengthen a viable web of local economies and healthy, sustainable, products and services.  Our own financial livelihoods both contribute to and are dependent upon these local economies.

The Ranch provides its local staff with secure, well-paying jobs, educational opportunities, and a caring workplace.  A well-organized financial structure allows us to make fiscal decisions that support our members and community while preparing for an increasingly challenging global environment.

Rancho Mastatal takes into consideration environmental concerns from a personal to a global perspective and develops models, techniques, and solutions that are regenerative, regionally appropriate, and maintainable. We are committed to sourcing our food and building materials locally while maximizing the utility of our diversified farm.  We promote community resiliency by supporting regional efforts to assure clean water, healthy food, fertile agricultural land, and safe, naturally constructed buildings.

Self care is an essential part of community health.  We strive to balance work, play, and personal time, and develop social structures and feedback systems that generate strong positive interpersonal relationships and overall community well-being.

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Listing Creator

Tim O'Hara

Member since 3 years ago
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