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GEMS College of Energy Medicine

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Alexis uses muscle testing as a biofeedback mechanism to help you determine the stress underlying a disease or pain in the body (whether that is physical, mental, or emotional) and remove that stress so you can return to balance. Your body always knows what’s wrong and how to fix it, but sometimes there is too much stress on an issue for it to do it alone.


Why GEMS College of Energy Medicine?

  • A new career: Muscle testing as a possibility for global change. Find out more about career and education options.
  • Best choice for education: Combining in-person workshops and e-learning for your best learning experience.
  • Peer-to-peer connection: Find your cohort, learn together and level up the industry!

We have three different formats for learning programs to accommodate as many students and learning styles as possible:

  • In-person workshops: classes taught at specific times with our team of instructors all over the world. Check the event calendar for class details and to register.
  • Online in-person workshops: classes taught at specific times with an instructor in real-time through an online platform like Zoom. Students are expected to be present for the class and to participate. Check the event calendar for class details and to register.
  • Online self-paced workshops: all class materials are available through this site and students move through them at their own speed, uploading assignments for feedback as they go. These can be started at any time.

Each Element path has a combination of the above workshops to optimize your learning experience.

Book a free 30 minute consultation with an administrator to see if this is a good fit for you and help you get started!

Some of the modalities / workshops we teach:

  • Touch for Health 1-4, Proficiency and Instructor Training
  • Stress Indicator Point System (SIPS) 1-8, BAP, VIP, Proficiency and Instructor Training for Levels 1 & 2
  • GEMS Flow, Business, Elementals, Dimensions
  • Reiki 1 & 2
  • Bach Flower Remedies
  • HeartSpeak
  • Movement classes like yoga, dance, and flexibility training
  • More classes to come!


Click here for the new book: Holistic Freedom,10 Rules to creating the holistic business of your dreams (and have fun doing it!)

About Me

Bio / Qualifications

Alexis Costello has been a Holistic Health Practitioner for more than 20 years and has served on the Board of Directors for the International Association of Specialized Kinesiology (IASK) as well as national associations. She has been a Touch for Health Instructor since 2007 and is now an Instructor Trainer and Assessor for the International Kinesiology College (IKC). Alexis is one of the few Stress Indicator Point System (SIPS) Instructors of levels 1-8, BAP (Body Alignment Protocol), and VIP (Virus Immune Program) certified by Ian Stubbings and travels around the world teaching this modality, training new instructors, and serving as the Chief Operations Officer for SIPS International. Alexis is constantly growing and developing her professional experience and knowledge.

Alexis Costello uses Neural Organizational Technique (N.O.T), Brain Formatting, K for Kids Playshops and other techniques. In her practice Alexis employs Bach Flower essences, herbology, aromatherapy and massage. She is also the editor and publisher of the KinesioGeek Magazine. You can find all its issues online on www.gemskinesiology.com and it’s absolutely free.

The creator of GEMS: The GEMS program currently consists of four classes and is intended for practising kinesiologists and muscle response testors who have taken Touch for Health 1-4 and who want to keep on learning and grow in helping people and become better practitioners. This GEMS Flow is based on the information from the Touch for Health synthesis and allows a practitioner to easily move between modalities and include all the knowledge they have, while the Business, Nutrition and Elementals classes are available to anyone using muscle response testing and wishing to level up as a practitioner.


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Alexis Costello

Member since 3 years ago
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